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Grace and Faith Café

A place to learn about God's Purpose for humanity. Special surprise for our subscribers only.

« To understand the purpose and the proper functioning of a manufactured product, you talk to its designer or builder. Hence, to understand the purpose and meaning of the world and the human, you ought to talk to God. »

Benicia Masangu


Benicia Masangu

Founder and Primary Writer

For Believers who want to draw near to God and Find out more about His plans for us here on this journey on earth. 

Grace and Faith Café

Take a look at our posts each week to know more about God's Word 

For non-believers who are curious about God and what His Word says about the world and life

Grace and Faith Café

You are not left out of God's plan for the world and the entire humanity. Take a look at our writings about Jesus whom He sent to offer us salvation and reconciliation

For everyone who is curious about God and His Word

Grace and Faith Café 

Let us grow and walk this path of seeking meaning together

About Me


Who is Benicia Masangu?

I'm a Christian non-fiction author and Bible enthusiast.

I have been working as a writer for the past 9 years and have been publishing books since 2022.

I graduated from the University of Houston/Downtown with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a Postgraduate Degree in Strategy and International Business from Aston University. I am also a lover and student of the Bible. I share that passion on this platform Grace and Faith Café. I dedicate time to studying the Bible for its historical, cultural, and spiritual impact and timeless relevancy. I focus my writings and research on Christian topics that are prevalent in today's society at large. I enjoy reading, cooking, thinking, classical music, tea and cakes, deep conversations, and writing.

About Grace and Faith Café


We exist to share the message of the Gospel with the world.

We are a Christian blog that seeks to share the Good News - the Gospel - with believers who want to grow in their knowledge of God and live according to His Purpose for the world. We also seek to share this Good News with non-believers who have questions about Jesus and want to find out more about His message.

Grace and Faith Café was started in 2019 by Benicia Masangu, who was passionate about sharing the message of the Gospel with others. At the time of its conception, Benicia was studying the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Christ. In the cold winter of England, she would make herself a cup of black tea with oat milk, and study the Bible. These intimate moments with God in the quiet of the morning and the warmth provided by the many cups of black tea became a significant period in her faith journey.

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    Benicia had already been writing for over 5 years in her blog at the time, known as Masben's LifeTalk, where she shared motivational and inspirational messages about life, perseverance, healing, and trusting God. It was around late 2018 and the start of 2019 that she took a break from Masben's LifeTalk and focused on completing a Master's Degree. During this period, Benicia began studying the Bible from her home each morning and witnessed God take her in a different direction that involved sharing the message of salvation. Faith and Grace were all over the pages of the Scriptures from beginning to end, leading up to the Savior - Jesus Christ - who finally redeemed the humans and offered them salvation by grace through faith. This was the message that she believed she needed to share in her writings. This was the reason Benicia decided to call her new blog Grace and Faith. Being a person who enjoys quiet times in cozy and beautifully designed coffee shops, or the comfort of her own home, Benicia decided to use that as a theme for her blog. Hence, she decided to call it Grace and Faith Café. A cup of tea or coffee has always had some sort of nostalgia for Benicia. It is often during these quiet moments that she thinks, mediates, or contemplates God's wonderful creation. Also, it is during these moments that God often talks to her through His Word. It made perfect sense to design this blog as a cozy cafe where people can read during their tea or coffee times. Grace and Faith Café will provide articles about God and salvation through Jesus Christ. The main topics of this blog are identity, purpose, and meaning. These are also the main topics that Benicia writes about in her books. There are many reasons she writes about these topics that she hopes to explain in this blog. Nonetheless, there are other minor topics deriving from the main ones that will also be explored in the articles. All of these, of course, are under the umbrella of faith and grace. Without these two, we cannot fully and completely understand redemption and salvation. We hope that Grace and Faith Café will be a resource for you to add to your study times. You can use these articles to learn about a topic, or you can use them as complementary materials to the books. Our goal is to present you with Jesus as the only True God who can redeem, save, comfort, heal, restore, guide, provide, counsel, and lead you in the path of life. If you have questions about the main topics of identity, purpose, and meaning, you can purchase the books from any bookstore. If you have questions about specific things from the books or the articles, you can contact us from the contact form on this website. We hope that you enjoy reading, and we pray that God blesses you and your family. Peace, blessings, and love!  


Meet All of Benicia's Books

I write about God as the Creator of life. I strongly believe that to know life, find meaning, and live a fulfilled life, we need to look to the Creator of this magnificent universe and understand His intention behind creation. Thus, most of my books focus on identity, purpose, the Kingdom of God, sin, suffering, worship, and meaning. Simply, I write about the journey of life on Earth as we prepare for the promise of eternity in Christ Jesus.

You can find my books in most bookstores in the USA, as well as in other countries both offline and online. For example, you can buy them on Amazon, in Barnes & Noble, or by contacting me if you want the book to be signed.


Published Summer 2022


Published Fall 2022


The Pursuit of Meaning III

God's Sovereignty, Suffering, and Eternity

Coming Spring 2025


The Human: Identiy vol.1

Identity vol. 1

Coming Fall 2024

Our Mission, Vision, and Values 

To Share God's Word

Our mission is to share God's Word with the world. The most wonderful and expensive treasures of the world are kept in places that limit access to those who do not know of their existence. However, the greatest treasure and most precious treasure of all - The Word of God - is meant for exhibition, exploration, admiration, and acquisition. We believe that we ought to share this treasure with the world because it is a treasure that anyone should discover, access, and make their very own. The Word of God changes lives, and it can change yours. 

To Inspire Hope and a Way of Life

2 Timothy 3:10Our vision is to inspire hope, especially in our current time. We cannot escape the fact that we live in times of great afflictions because of sin. We need a hope that is lasting and unshakable. That Hope is found in a Person - Jesus Christ - whom we hope to share with all of you. In doing so, we hope to inspire a way of life in each one of us as we face the many questions, afflictions, and complexities of life here on earth. That way of life is already shown to us in the Scriptures, which we hope to explore with you. 

Love, Hope, and Community

Indeed, we value what Christ values. Christ valued love above all. To love of God, and to love of our neighbors as ourselves. He also valued hope because, without it, a lot can go wrong. Christ showed us the importance of community and the giving of oneself for the sake of others. We hope to instill these values in us all. As we share the Gospel here, we hope that we will share it with love, with the hope of a better and lasting promise of life, and the strengthening of the Christian community and all those who opt to join in for a remarkable journey. 

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.."

Hebrews 4: 12

The Holy Bible ESV

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

John 3: 16

The Holy Bible ESV

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."

2 Timothy 3: 16-17

The Holy Bible ESV

Who Should Read "The Pursuit of Meaning"?

I wanted this book to be as useful and simple as possible. It will especially come in handy for those who are engaged in Bible studies, who have questions about their identity and purpose, who are seeking to find meaning in life amidst suffering, and those who are on this wonderful journey of life with Jesus.

The book is sold in most online and offline bookstores in the USA. Still, if you want to receive your copy with my autograph, you can order it right on this website or contact me directly.

Order a Book →


To understand more deeply their identity and purpose in Christ Jesus.


Creative Thinkers

To dig deeper into the notions of identity, purpose, and meaning from the Biblical perspective.

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To look into the story of creation and God's main message to mankind.

People in Need of Meaning

To help them find meaning in life that is lasting, fulfilling, and unshakable.

Bible Teachers

To use the books as additional resources to the teachings related to identity, purpose and meaning.

Become One of US

Make Your Journey With God a Priority!

I write in very simple words for everyone who wants to learn God's Great Design of Life. I explain the complex topics of life here on the journey on earth in more simplistic terms for people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of Biblical knowledge.

My Favorites


I am excited to share with you some of the greatest works in the Christian faith that can help us know who God is and what His Plan for us is.

These books have had a great impact in my journey of faith here on earth. They have been secondary resources to the Bible, to lead me to understand God and be able to talk to others about Him.
I hope to share with you here the books that I have read that have provided wisdom and influence in my Christian life. I also hope to share the book that I am currently reading, as well as other Christian-related things that can be beneficial for us as we grow together in faith.

Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)

Classic and timeless writing to understand Christianity in a simple yet sophisticated way.

The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism (Timothy Keller)

Outstanding arguments for God and the Christian faith.

Three Spiritual Classics in One Volume: The Knowledge of the Holy, The Pursuit of God, and God's Pursuit of Man (A. W. Tozer)

Unmatched depiction of the Godhead and the Christian belief.

The Pursuit of Meaning: God’s Design for Life on Earth as He Fulfills His Plan of Restoration for Eternity

When you read these three classics, I humbly recommend reading this simple book about life on earth. 


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Our Projects

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Grace and Faith Café Podcast

We plan to share the Good News of the Gospels with many of you through our upcoming Podcast. We are very excited to talk about Jesus, the world, and the life we are called to live as the redeemed children of God. Stay informed by subscribing to the blog. 

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Speaking Events


We are open to invitations to your Christian events. You can book us to speak about God and life at church events, conferences, and online forums. If you are interested, you can contact us to get more details about the booking. 
